Apps & OS's Technology

How to install Exim4 on Ubuntu as a smarthost

For months now I have been trying to setup a fast, reliable linux mail server. I think I have now cracked it. Basically my system layout is as follows; I have been developing a new social community site called UrbanParty (, The application is ran on my Ubuntu Linux server and uses SMTP to send […]

Apps & OS's Technology

How to install VSFTPd on Ubuntu and Jail users to there home directory.

For several months now, I have wanted to setup a fast, secure FTP server so that I myself and users of my server are able to login but can only view and browse there ‘home’ directory.. basically /home/{username}. I have previously tried installing ProFTPd but I have found that to be really slow with clients […]

Apps & OS's Technology

How to install a DHCP server on Ubuntu 6.06

Assumed that “eth0” is the interface for network card IP Address Range: to Subnet Mask: DNS Servers:, Domains: Gateway Address: sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server sudo cp /etc/default/dhcp3-server /etc/default/dhcp3-server_backup gksudo gedit /etc/default/dhcp3-server Find this line … INTERFACES=”” Replace with the following line INTERFACES=”eth0″ Save the edited file sudo cp […]

Apps & OS's

Restoring bad sectors using CHKDSK on Windows

The other day my hard drive was getting really bad, Usually I just rebuild the machine with an image stored on my NAS appliance however I thought I would actually repair the drive as it was ‘trashing’ alot! So I booted the PC and got check disk to repair the drive. – All is now working smoothly again.  I […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

Slow connections on remote MySQL Servers

Now a few of my projects are getting much bigger and the need for having dedicated Database servers are now more appealing than ever. With MySQL when setting it up I noticed that when trying to access a remote database from an application server, it would takes ages to respond/connect to it. After searching around […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Ammending the Ubuntu SSH Console message

Was playing around with my Virtual machines this evening as I am trying to create a stable build to put on the Offical BNA Systems web servers. One of the most annoying things is once you have OpenSSH installed you get the annoying default Ubuntu disclaimer etc.  Anyways, After looking around on the net I […]