
Installing and configuring InfluxDB and Grafana on Ubuntu Server 20.04

Today I thought I’d take a look at installing a time-series database. As a software developer, in the past, I have set up and used various database engines (RMDBs and NoSQL types) which include Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MongoDB but something that I’ve not really looked at to date are “time-series” database […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux Technology

Installing Mattermost on Ubuntu Server 18.04

In my opinion, Mattermost is the perfect self-hosted, open-source alternative to Slack and Microsoft Teams. As a software engineer, and like most people I’ve used a variety of messaging platforms (Slack, Discord and Microsoft Teams) to communicate with team members, share, discuss and store ideas but more importantly as part of my DevOps workflow – […]


Monitoring Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 with Netdata

Netdata is a fantastic real-time monitoring solution for your Linux based servers and I’ve particularly found it useful for monitoring my web servers. Netdata provides a web-based dashboard with real-time graphs and alerting; it provides a myriad of information about your servers out of the box and the interface is slick! Before we start we’ll […]

Apps & OS's Linux Technology

Installing Microsoft SQL Server on Ubuntu Server 16.04

I’m really liking what Microsoft have been doing recently with pushing more of their products down the open-source channels and supporting Linux and Mac operating systems. Earlier this year Microsoft released SQL Server vNEXT which can be installed and ran on Linux. In this post I will cover the process of installing and configuring Microsoft SQL Server […]

Linux Technology

Setup an OpenVPN site-to-site remote router (OpenVPN client) on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS

In my last couple of blog posts (here and here) I demonstrated how to setup an OpenVPN server using Windows Server 2012 R2 and enable IP forwarding to enable OpenVPN client roaming access to the server network; today I will explain how to setup a Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS based server which we will ultimately use […]

Linux Technology

Setup a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (MATE) terminal server with LTSP

In this post I’m going to explain how to set-up a terminal server that you can use at home or in the office; the terminal server (running LTSP) will enable you to run a central terminal server or “mainframe” type network where you can have a large number of “diskless clients” (also know as “dumb […]


Setting up and running a server with Ubuntu Server 14.04 on Raspberry Pi 2

The RaspberryPi is something that I’ve always been interested in but never really got around to actually ordering one… until this week! In February the RaspberryPi Foundation released the RaspberryPi 2, this models sports a quad core, 900Mhz ARM7 processor with 1GB of RAM, this is a massive improvement on the previous models so I […]

Coding Linux Technology

How to create a PHP linux daemon (service)

There are many ways to automate scripts and applications running on Linux, you can obviously create a cron task, that can execute from between a minute to once a year if you wanted there are however other ways in which you can have unattended background tasks execute. Today I will explain how you can create a […]

Apps & OS's Linux Technology

Setting up Teamspeak 3 on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS

I have a few personal VPS servers which I run and have purchased through DigitalOcean, one of my VPS servers act as a mail server at present, it runs Ubuntu Server 12.04 with Postfix, Dovecot, ViMbAdmin and some SPAM busting tools, I’ve decided that as I frequently work on projects with others online and normally generates […]

Apps & OS's Linux Technology

Using Gmail with Postfix as an SMTP relay

Many times in the past I’ve configured Linux server (in this case, specifically Ubuntu LTS Servers ) where I need to recieve automated emails such as CRON logs etc. to an external email account but don’t want or need the hassle of configuring a fully blown SMTP server with SPF records, DKIM signing etc. etc. […]