
Setting up and running a server with Ubuntu Server 14.04 on Raspberry Pi 2

The RaspberryPi is something that I’ve always been interested in but never really got around to actually ordering one… until this week! In February the RaspberryPi Foundation released the RaspberryPi 2, this models sports a quad core, 900Mhz ARM7 processor with 1GB of RAM, this is a massive improvement on the previous models so I […]


Get nearest places (rows) from MySQL based on a Latitude and Longitude co-ordinate

I’ve recently been developing a C# desktop application for Microsoft Windows that integrates with Microsoft Flight Simulator and Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3d – The software is designed to monitor the landing rate of a user’s aircraft upon landing and then displays this information to the user to aid them perfect their landings whilst flying in the simulated […]

Coding Technology

How to view the size of MySQL database(s) via the MySQL CLI

I thought I’d quickly post up this quick MySQL snippet to help others who are trying to quickly view the size of a MySQL database from the MySQL CLI. The following query displays the size of all your current MySQL databases on your server in megabytes:- SELECT table_schema “Data Base Name”, sum( data_length + index_length […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing PHP and MySQL on MacOSX using MacPorts for development.

Ok so this is aimed at being a very quick guide to installing a PHP (specifically PHP 5.4, but you can install PHP 5.3 or.PHP 5.5 if you wish!) development environment and MySQL server to enable you to develop (using the built in PHP development server) and MySQL on an MacOSX based machine, so to […]


Bitnami MAMP stack – No need for MAMP PRO or XAMPP!

I started using MAMP PRO recently as I wanted to develop using the latest (PHP 5.4) on MacOSX and I didn’t want all the hassle of building Apache and PHP on my development machine each time…. I only found that MAMP PRO catered for PHP 5.4 much to my disappointment! However today, I decided to give […]

Coding Technology

How to re-enable JSP support in Dreamweaver and add the latest MySQL Connector/J.

Although I don’t really use Adobe Dreamweaver for web development (although if i’m doing interface design where I need a quick way to alter and view CSS changes fast I do) a friend of mine the other day (who uses Dreamweaver heavily) wanted to know how to re-enable the old JSP (Java Server Page) support […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing Apache, PHP and MySQL on FreeBSD 8.2

In this easy to follow tutorial I will show you how to install Apache, PHP and MySQL on FreeBSD, I have used FreeBSD 8.2 in this tutorial but should work for at least a couple of release’s later. I will be installing the software using FreeBSD ‘Ports’ you can also install software on FreeBSD using […]

Apps & OS's Technology

How to setup MySQL Replication with SSL on Ubuntu Server 10.04

This tutorial describes how to set up database replication in MySQL using an SSL connection for encryption (to make it impossible for hackers to sniff out passwords and data transferred between the master and slave). MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

MySQL GUI Client for Linux (Ubuntu)

I had a little hunt around online this evening for a graphical user interface for MySQL on my Linux workstation which is running Ubuntu 10.04 – In the past I’ve always just used the terminal and raw MySQL commands but to be honest this can be some what time consuming so I thought I’d share […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

Slow connections on remote MySQL Servers

Now a few of my projects are getting much bigger and the need for having dedicated Database servers are now more appealing than ever. With MySQL when setting it up I noticed that when trying to access a remote database from an application server, it would takes ages to respond/connect to it. After searching around […]