Apps & OS's Coding Linux OSX Technology

Building Docker images for different architectures (using Apple Silicon)

I recently purchased a new Apple Mac Mini M1 that I have been using for development these last few weeks and it has been fantastic but as someone who uses Docker a lot for building and shipping container images, whilst the M1 Macs will build Docker images for the M1/Apple silicon architecture (aarch64) they won’t […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux Technology

Building, testing, and pushing container images to a Docker Registry using Jenkins Pipelines

Last weekend I blogged about installing Jenkins (and the Blue Ocean interface) and using Jenkins Pipelines to test against multiple PHP versions in parallel – something that you’d want to do if you were developing and deploying PHP libraries and packages. Using the same Jenkins server that we installed in my last blog post, today […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux Technology

Installing Mattermost on Ubuntu Server 18.04

In my opinion, Mattermost is the perfect self-hosted, open-source alternative to Slack and Microsoft Teams. As a software engineer, and like most people I’ve used a variety of messaging platforms (Slack, Discord and Microsoft Teams) to communicate with team members, share, discuss and store ideas but more importantly as part of my DevOps workflow – […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux Other Technology

An awesome Linux terminal (with Microsoft Terminal and Oh-My-ZSH) on Windows 10

Oh-My-ZSH makes your terminal look and feel awesome – I used it daily on my MacOSX machines and also on Linux desktops in the past too! I’ve recently switched my Apple MacBook Pro over to a Dell XPS and am now using Windows as my daily driver. More information on the move can be found […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux

Deploying and hosting ASP.NET Core applications on Ubuntu Linux

If you’ve read my other blog posts or seen some of my projects on my GitHub profile, you’ll see that I’m a real Linux fan and although I develop in both PHP and C#, C# based web applications are commonly hosted on the Microsoft Windows platform (although you could use Mono) so for this reason, it has previously […]

Coding OSX Technology

Dark theme (Dracula) for NetBeans

I’ve personally used NetBean for about five years now; I’ve learn’t to love it and despite all the “cool kids” recently moving to the likes of PHPStorm and Sublime Text, everytime I try to switch over I just miss my trusty NetBeans and come flying back. Since recently purchasing my latest MacBook Pro, I went […]

Coding Technology

Configuring and hosting Laravel 5.x applications on Windows Azure

Over the past three weeks myself and a colleague have been busy (both at work and a lot of overtime at home) building a new light-weight CMS built on top of the Laravel framework, this will power a new recruitment campaign website, of which is to be hosted on the Windows Azure cloud platform (our corporate hosting […]


Get nearest places (rows) from MySQL based on a Latitude and Longitude co-ordinate

I’ve recently been developing a C# desktop application for Microsoft Windows that integrates with Microsoft Flight Simulator and Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3d – The software is designed to monitor the landing rate of a user’s aircraft upon landing and then displays this information to the user to aid them perfect their landings whilst flying in the simulated […]

Coding Linux

Enabling anti-aliased fonts in Netbeans

Having recently switched back to Linux on my main development machine I’ve been using my trusty IDE – Netbeans, I noticed however that on Microsoft Windows and Apple OSX Netbeans text is anti-aliased by default but is not the case on my current Linux distrubution (Ubuntu 14.04). So this is a quick post to demonstrate […]


Installing MailCatcher support in Laravel Homestead

Mailcatcher is an awesome tool for capturing emails generated and sent from your application. I’m an avid Laravel fan and recently Laravel released Homestead, Homestead is a pre-configured vagrant box for developing Laravel applications. Previously I had been using Vaprobash for each of my Laravel applications of which had MailCatcher support out of the box […]