Apps & OS's

How to redirect local root mail to an external email address on Linux

I run a home file, media and backup server at home on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. I have various cron jobs set-up for various task such as backing up external MySQL databases, web site data and other tasks. By default, when a cron job runs and if the script or program that runs produces any […]

Apps & OS's Technology

How to install Exim4 on Ubuntu as a smarthost

For months now I have been trying to setup a fast, reliable linux mail server. I think I have now cracked it. Basically my system layout is as follows; I have been developing a new social community site called UrbanParty (, The application is ran on my Ubuntu Linux server and uses SMTP to send […]

General Stuff Technology

Blogging with email!

Well this is my first official blog post on my new personal blog, I thought’d I’d write about this awesome new feature with WordPress 3….. I’m even blogging using this method now! Ok so what the hell am I talking about…. Well good queston I hear you say; Since I have now launched my personal […]