
Installing and configuring InfluxDB and Grafana on Ubuntu Server 20.04

Today I thought I’d take a look at installing a time-series database. As a software developer, in the past, I have set up and used various database engines (RMDBs and NoSQL types) which include Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MongoDB but something that I’ve not really looked at to date are “time-series” database […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux Other Technology

An awesome Linux terminal (with Microsoft Terminal and Oh-My-ZSH) on Windows 10

Oh-My-ZSH makes your terminal look and feel awesome – I used it daily on my MacOSX machines and also on Linux desktops in the past too! I’ve recently switched my Apple MacBook Pro over to a Dell XPS and am now using Windows as my daily driver. More information on the move can be found […]


Monitoring Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 with Netdata

Netdata is a fantastic real-time monitoring solution for your Linux based servers and I’ve particularly found it useful for monitoring my web servers. Netdata provides a web-based dashboard with real-time graphs and alerting; it provides a myriad of information about your servers out of the box and the interface is slick! Before we start we’ll […]


Monitoring Linux Servers with Monitorix

Monitorix is a mature and open-source system monitoring tool for UNIX and Linux; it is written in Perl and is resource-friendly enabling it to be used quite happily on Raspberry Pi’s and embedded devices too. Although there are other monitoring and graphing tools for Linux that I’ve used before such as Nagios and Cacti, I […]

Other Technology

Set-up your own MineCraft server on FreeBSD 10.1

My daughter (Ruby) has been bugging me to get her MineCraft and so I thought I’d set her up with her own server that we could both play on together so I thought I’d compile this blog post as a quick tutorial on how to set up a MineCraft server on FreeBSD 10.1, hopefully others will find this […]


Bitnami MAMP stack – No need for MAMP PRO or XAMPP!

I started using MAMP PRO recently as I wanted to develop using the latest (PHP 5.4) on MacOSX and I didn’t want all the hassle of building Apache and PHP on my development machine each time…. I only found that MAMP PRO catered for PHP 5.4 much to my disappointment! However today, I decided to give […]

General Stuff Other

Creating your own desktop power supply using a standard PC ATX PSU

In this post, I will show you how to convert a computer power supply into a regular DC power supply with 12, 5 and 3.3 volt outputs. Why use a computer (ATX) power supply? Well, they’re available everywhere, and they can output tremendous amounts of power in a small form factor. They have overload protection […]


The ZPanel project moves to!

After another week of DDoS attacks from one of our spoilt forum users I have taken the decision to move the main website over to be hosted by Sourceforge. The project has now been released under the GPL license and we have been working hard over the last two weeks to port the code over […]


ZPanel on Linux!!

Well I must say today marks a special day in the history of the Zpanel project… For the first time since Zpanel 2.5 was classed as ‘stable’ all those many moons ago… this morning I configured and customised the current ZPanel 6.0.0 code which was developed solely for Windows really on Ubuntu Linux – obviously […]


Yes I know… I haven’t posted for ages….

Ok, well as the title suggests… I haven’t posted in ages to my blog so this morning I am hoping to update you all with what has been going on recently… Well… I have decided to work on and release a new version of ZPanel (ZPanelX) which will is to be developed on Linux and […]