Other Technology

Set-up your own MineCraft server on FreeBSD 10.1

My daughter (Ruby) has been bugging me to get her MineCraft and so I thought I’d set her up with her own server that we could both play on together so I thought I’d compile this blog post as a quick tutorial on how to set up a MineCraft server on FreeBSD 10.1, hopefully others will find this […]

Apps & OS's

Configure a FreeBSD 10.1 server for hosting Laravel 5.x applications.

In this post I’ll document the installation of a web application hosting environment using FreeBSD 10.1; I will install the core components that will enable you to host a Laravel 4.x/5.x application. In this tutorial I will be using FreeBSD’s pkg tool to install the packages, pkg is similar to the package management tools that […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Configuring a simple web server firewall on FreeBSD 10.1

FreeBSD comes shipped with three software firewalls but personally I found that IPFW is pretty easy to configure and gets the job done nicely. This quick post will help you configure your FreeBSD server protected with the IPFW firewall in just a few minutes. First of all we need to enable the firewall, we do […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing No-IP client on FreeBSD

I’ve been using FreeBSD a lot more recently and have built a VPN server so that myself and some friends can play some LAN games over the web, I know you can use other tools such as Hamanchi but I thought I’d setup my own VPN as I can use it for other things too […]

Apps & OS's

How to install Nano on FreeBSD

I just thought I’d quickly post up a post on how to install Nano (a really simple to use CLI text editor) on FreeBSD, Although I’ve tested on FreeBSD 9.0 it should work with other versions of FreeBSD too… You will find that by default FreeBSD does not come with this installed, having mainly used […]

Apps & OS's Technology

How to enable root login over SSH on FreeBSD 8.2

Unlike many linux distributions FreeBSD by default disables ‘root’ login over SSH (at least it does with FreeBSD 8.2), If you do need to enable remote root logins over SSH this simple blog post will show you what you need to do; the more secure way of gaining remote admin access to your server would […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing Apache, PHP and MySQL on FreeBSD 8.2

In this easy to follow tutorial I will show you how to install Apache, PHP and MySQL on FreeBSD, I have used FreeBSD 8.2 in this tutorial but should work for at least a couple of release’s later. I will be installing the software using FreeBSD ‘Ports’ you can also install software on FreeBSD using […]