Apps & OS's

How to remove the Docky icon from Docky (Ubuntu 11.04)

Well, I’ve transformed my Ubuntu 11.04 desktop to look like MacOSX (I think it looks sweet! ;))

Anyways… Here is how to remove the Docky Icon from Docky (so in my case it looks more like the normal MacOSX dock)

Press ALT + F2

Type command “gconf-editor” and hit Enter

Navigate to apps > docky-2 > docky > items > DockyItem in the gconf-editor

Uncheck “ShowDockyItem

If the changes don’t take effect imediatly a restart of your Ubuntu Desktop should fix this and you will be DockyIcon-less on your Docky dock 😉

Check out a screenshot of my Ubuntu 11.04 desktop (with no docky icon!)!