Apps & OS's

How to remove the Docky icon from Docky (Ubuntu 11.04)

Well, I’ve transformed my Ubuntu 11.04 desktop to look like MacOSX (I think it looks sweet! ;)) Anyways… Here is how to remove the Docky Icon from Docky (so in my case it looks more like the normal MacOSX dock) Press ALT + F2 Type command “gconf-editor” and hit Enter Navigate to apps > docky-2 […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Removing Ubuntu software packages and no longer needed dependencies

On my Ubuntu Servers I use the apt-get command to install and remove packages from my Ubuntu servers. So for example, this weekend I installed and started playing with Cacti (A front end for SNMP) however after installing it I found I had several issues with the software and wanted to revert the operating system […]