Apps & OS's Technology

OMG…. I have fallen for Apple Mac OSX!!!

If you would have asked me several years ago what I thought of Apple Mac’s I would have pretty much spat at you, I found them to be a ‘kiddies toy’ that designers used (to be fair at the time it was OS9) or maybe I was just blind!??!!!?!??

….However, since which time I have started to really love the eye candy that Mac OSX has to offer and if you have been reading my other blog posts you will have found that I am very much a Linux/Windows man myself and never really played with OSX…. until this weekend….

I found several articles online how to install OSX on an Intel based PC (this method has been named ‘Hackintosh’) so I thought whats all the hype about, I was bored and therefore thought I’d give it ago…..

After getting everything prepared and installing it I was in LOVE!!! – And thats only with the OSX software!!! – Gees, the actual Mac hardware is gorgeous so if I could afford to go out and buy a MacPro or iMac tomorrow I most certainly would!!! – But truth is that at over £1000 (almost and upto £2500) it really is way too steep for me at the moment unfortunetly but a brand new iMac or MacPro is certainly on my wishlist now!!!

So what and why do I love it??

Well several reasons really….

  1. It looks AWESOME
  2. It just works
  3. Its UNIX based
  4. Its stable and secure
  5. Its effortless to use

I have used it for a couple of days now and it basically JUST WORKS!!! – Its easy to use and I LOVE ‘Time Machine’ – I think this is a really great feature, these days I don’t really want to be messing around with Mico$oft Windows, its too flakey, boring to use and to be honest requires alot of effort keeping it patched and virus free!

I want a computer to work, be fun to use, and be secure… The way I look at this is…. Its a Mac, Its a UNIX based operating system that looks amazing… The best of both worlds….

Right… Its time I start saying up for a new Mac and get rid of all my PC junk 😉