Apps & OS's Coding Technology

ZPanelX ‘internal’ beta going well so far!

Well we released ZPanelX internal beta to the rest of the team for a two week ‘testathon’ prior to opening it up to the community members who donated to our vBulletin drive 🙂

Although so far we’ve seen 15 bugs logged, pretty much all of which I’ve already squashed, I’ll be looking at releasing a new version of the beta this weekend (Sunday more than likely) which will provide all the bug fixes so far.

Its really good to know that ZPX is now out and being tested, the rest of the team seem to like all of the awesome new features that myself and RusTus have implemented 🙂

It’s going to be a busy weekend for me this weekend, I want to get some more testing of ZPX complete and early on Sunday morning I’ve done an outage to take our current forums offline ( and to migrate all the data from our MyBB forum over to our newly purchased version of vBulletin.

I guess by the time I get to post up my next blog entry it’ll more than likely be about releasing ZPX for public beta 😀