Apps & OS's Coding

Installing Laravel complete with PHPUnit support (with Composer)

Laravel is an awesome PHP framework and comes with support for unit testing with PHPUnit out of the box! So… I thought I’d post up this quick guide as a reference to others and in my opinion is a rather neat way of keeping Composer and PHPUnit contained inside the project as opposed to installing […]

Apps & OS's Coding

Setting the correct timezone on a Ubuntu 12.04 Server

Ok, its no rocket science but I thought I’d quickly post up this very easy way to very quickly set your server’s time-zone without the need for editing files and looking up time-zone abbreviations manually etc.  if during installation you accidentally choose the wrong time-zone or (in like my case) your VPS provided has installed a default OS image with a different time-zone. You can […]

Apps & OS's Coding

Configuring NetBeans for PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding guidelines.

Update: I’ve recently (as of February 2015) created a ‘Netbeans Module’ that you can import into Netbeans to automatically set the correct settings (instead of having to manually following this guide, see: Recently I’ve been looking into the PHP-FIG PSR standards and in an attempt to standardise my coding styles to a widely used standard, the PSR standards look like […]

Coding Technology

Using Composer in your own PHP projects with your own Git packages/libraries

Composer is fast becoming the de facto standard for managing packages and dependencies in PHP applications. Composer is like Bundler, a dependency manager for Ruby on Rails! In this post, I’ll be showing you how you can configure your own application to use Composer’s features and how to automatically install and update your own packages […]


Bitnami MAMP stack – No need for MAMP PRO or XAMPP!

I started using MAMP PRO recently as I wanted to develop using the latest (PHP 5.4) on MacOSX and I didn’t want all the hassle of building Apache and PHP on my development machine each time…. I only found that MAMP PRO catered for PHP 5.4 much to my disappointment! However today, I decided to give […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Cloning linux servers easily in VirtualBox without network cards

I thought I’d share a little trick with you that I’ve recently used to enable easier cloning of virtual machines in Virtualbox (for my local development enviroment on my MacBook Pro)… Those who have attempted to ‘clone’ virtual machines in the past may have found that when attempting to clone Linux Server VM’s (specially in […]


Using git/composer on Windows 7 via. an authenticated proxy server.

Recently I had a requirement to connect to Git including using Composer via an authenticated HTTP proxy server, I thought I’d share my solution with you all. The machine I was using was a Windows 7 Professional machine (not my OS of choice!), connecting to a corporate proxy server using my ActiveDirectory credentials. After several hours […]

Apps & OS's

How to redirect local root mail to an external email address on Linux

I run a home file, media and backup server at home on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. I have various cron jobs set-up for various task such as backing up external MySQL databases, web site data and other tasks. By default, when a cron job runs and if the script or program that runs produces any […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Creating a highly available file server cluster for a web farm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Following on from my previous post about setting up a highly available web server cluster, this post covers the next step, which is setting up a highly available file server cluster, after some research I’ve decided to use GlusterFS, GlusterFS is a  an open source, distributed file system capable of scaling to several petabytes (actually, 72 brontobytes!) and handling thousands […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing a high availability web server cluster on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using HAProxy, HeartBeat and Nginx

Here are a few notes about how to set-up a high-availability web server farm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using a whole load of awesome software (HAProxy, HeartBeat, Watchdog and Nginx) The setup In my setup I have five virtual machines, these are named and used for the following:- haproxy1 – Our first proxy (master)/load-balancer (running HAProxy, HeartBeat […]