Apps & OS's Linux Technology

Windows Server 2016 as an NFS server for Linux clients

In this post I will explain how you can configure an NFS Server on a Windows 2016 Server and connect/mount the NFS exports on Linux clients, in my case I wanted to run a Linux virtual machine whist ensuring that the actual data resides on physical disks on my host machine ensuring that the data […]

Linux Technology

Setup an OpenVPN site-to-site remote router (OpenVPN client) on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS

In my last couple of blog posts (here and here) I demonstrated how to setup an OpenVPN server using Windows Server 2012 R2 and enable IP forwarding to enable OpenVPN client roaming access to the server network; today I will explain how to setup a Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS based server which we will ultimately use […]

Apps & OS's Technology

SQLite, you’ve heard of it…

Ok I’ve been mentally blue-printing a new application in my head to do various tasks but thats not important, however I want this scalable application to be able to allow the end user to be able to connect to different ‘selectable’ databases such as a training database, UAT and production. Instead of having a seperate […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

MySQL GUI Client for Linux (Ubuntu)

I had a little hunt around online this evening for a graphical user interface for MySQL on my Linux workstation which is running Ubuntu 10.04 – In the past I’ve always just used the terminal and raw MySQL commands but to be honest this can be some what time consuming so I thought I’d share […]