
Monitoring Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 with Netdata

Netdata is a fantastic real-time monitoring solution for your Linux based servers and I’ve particularly found it useful for monitoring my web servers. Netdata provides a web-based dashboard with real-time graphs and alerting; it provides a myriad of information about your servers out of the box and the interface is slick! Before we start we’ll […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux

Deploying and hosting ASP.NET Core applications on Ubuntu Linux

If you’ve read my other blog posts or seen some of my projects on my GitHub profile, you’ll see that I’m a real Linux fan and although I develop in both PHP and C#, C# based web applications are commonly hosted on the Microsoft Windows platform (although you could use Mono) so for this reason, it has previously […]


Setting up and running a server with Ubuntu Server 14.04 on Raspberry Pi 2

The RaspberryPi is something that I’ve always been interested in but never really got around to actually ordering one… until this week! In February the RaspberryPi Foundation released the RaspberryPi 2, this models sports a quad core, 900Mhz ARM7 processor with 1GB of RAM, this is a massive improvement on the previous models so I […]

Apps & OS's

Configure a FreeBSD 10.1 server for hosting Laravel 5.x applications.

In this post I’ll document the installation of a web application hosting environment using FreeBSD 10.1; I will install the core components that will enable you to host a Laravel 4.x/5.x application. In this tutorial I will be using FreeBSD’s pkg tool to install the packages, pkg is similar to the package management tools that […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux Technology

Setup your own private GitHub server using GitLab and Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS

I’m the first to admit that I absolutely love writing code and applications, I’m also a huge fan of GitHub, GitHub is a fantastic tool for hosting and collaborating on public projects such as open-source projects however and although you can pay to enable you to host private Git repositories on GitHub if you have […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing a high availability web server cluster on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using HAProxy, HeartBeat and Nginx

Here are a few notes about how to set-up a high-availability web server farm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using a whole load of awesome software (HAProxy, HeartBeat, Watchdog and Nginx) The setup In my setup I have five virtual machines, these are named and used for the following:- haproxy1 – Our first proxy (master)/load-balancer (running HAProxy, HeartBeat […]