Apps & OS's Technology

Installing PHP7 on Windows Server 2012 R2 and IIS 8

At the time of writing PHP 7.0.6 is the latest stable release and given that we are going to be using Microsoft’s IIS as the web server on Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64) we will need to download the latest version of PHP 7.0.x ensuring that we download the NTS (Non-thread safe) version and the […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Configuring a simple web server firewall on FreeBSD 10.1

FreeBSD comes shipped with three software firewalls but personally I found that IPFW is pretty easy to configure and gets the job done nicely. This quick post will help you configure your FreeBSD server protected with the IPFW firewall in just a few minutes. First of all we need to enable the firewall, we do […]