General Stuff Technology

Blogging with email!

Well this is my first official blog post on my new personal blog, I
thought’d I’d write about this awesome new feature with WordPress
3….. I’m even blogging using this method now!

Ok so what the hell am I talking about….

Well good queston I hear you say; Since I have now launched my
personal website again using a hosting account from I
decided after trying out a very basic web blog script that I’d go back
to the good’al WordPress software and whilst I was configuring my new
blog I found a new feature from the ‘Admin’ area within WordPress
which enabled me to post blogs via a POP3 account…. So seeing this I
jumped at the chance at configuring it….

After playing with it for a couple of hours, I have fallen in love
with this awesome feature… then configured a cron job from within
my ZPanel control panel so check and post emails every 10 minutes 🙂

So there you have it, another cool way to blog about stuff using
Wordpress, for more details on how to configure this please check out
this link:-