Coding OSX Technology

Dark theme (Dracula) for NetBeans

I’ve personally used NetBean for about five years now; I’ve learn’t to love it and despite all the “cool kids” recently moving to the likes of PHPStorm and Sublime Text, everytime I try to switch over I just miss my trusty NetBeans and come flying back. Since recently purchasing my latest MacBook Pro, I went […]

Coding Linux

Enabling anti-aliased fonts in Netbeans

Having recently switched back to Linux on my main development machine I’ve been using my trusty IDE – Netbeans, I noticed however that on Microsoft Windows and Apple OSX Netbeans text is anti-aliased by default but is not the case on my current Linux distrubution (Ubuntu 14.04). So this is a quick post to demonstrate […]

Apps & OS's Coding

Configuring NetBeans for PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding guidelines.

Update: I’ve recently (as of February 2015) created a ‘Netbeans Module’ that you can import into Netbeans to automatically set the correct settings (instead of having to manually following this guide, see: Recently I’ve been looking into the PHP-FIG PSR standards and in an attempt to standardise my coding styles to a widely used standard, the PSR standards look like […]

Coding Technology

Enable auto-completion for CodeIgniter development in NetBeans 7.2

I thought I’d share up this very useful script that I found today, I guess that as you’re viewing this page you want to enable the lovely code auto-completeion features that NetBeans supports and as by default you’ve found that NetBeans doesn’t support this for CodeIgnitor. So here’s the fix:- Download netbeans_autocomplete_codeigniter file (Contains mainly PHP […]