
Setting up and running a server with Ubuntu Server 14.04 on Raspberry Pi 2

The RaspberryPi is something that I’ve always been interested in but never really got around to actually ordering one… until this week! In February the RaspberryPi Foundation released the RaspberryPi 2, this models sports a quad core, 900Mhz ARM7 processor with 1GB of RAM, this is a massive improvement on the previous models so I […]

Apps & OS's

Configure a FreeBSD 10.1 server for hosting Laravel 5.x applications.

In this post I’ll document the installation of a web application hosting environment using FreeBSD 10.1; I will install the core components that will enable you to host a Laravel 4.x/5.x application. In this tutorial I will be using FreeBSD’s pkg tool to install the packages, pkg is similar to the package management tools that […]


Installing MailCatcher support in Laravel Homestead

Mailcatcher is an awesome tool for capturing emails generated and sent from your application. I’m an avid Laravel fan and recently Laravel released Homestead, Homestead is a pre-configured vagrant box for developing Laravel applications. Previously I had been using Vaprobash for each of my Laravel applications of which had MailCatcher support out of the box […]

Coding Linux Technology

How to create a PHP linux daemon (service)

There are many ways to automate scripts and applications running on Linux, you can obviously create a cron task, that can execute from between a minute to once a year if you wanted there are however other ways in which you can have unattended background tasks execute. Today I will explain how you can create a […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing PHP and MySQL on MacOSX using MacPorts for development.

Ok so this is aimed at being a very quick guide to installing a PHP (specifically PHP 5.4, but you can install PHP 5.3 or.PHP 5.5 if you wish!) development environment and MySQL server to enable you to develop (using the built in PHP development server) and MySQL on an MacOSX based machine, so to […]

Apps & OS's Coding

Configuring NetBeans for PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding guidelines.

Update: I’ve recently (as of February 2015) created a ‘Netbeans Module’ that you can import into Netbeans to automatically set the correct settings (instead of having to manually following this guide, see: Recently I’ve been looking into the PHP-FIG PSR standards and in an attempt to standardise my coding styles to a widely used standard, the PSR standards look like […]

Coding Technology

Using Composer in your own PHP projects with your own Git packages/libraries

Composer is fast becoming the de facto standard for managing packages and dependencies in PHP applications. Composer is like Bundler, a dependency manager for Ruby on Rails! In this post, I’ll be showing you how you can configure your own application to use Composer’s features and how to automatically install and update your own packages […]


Bitnami MAMP stack – No need for MAMP PRO or XAMPP!

I started using MAMP PRO recently as I wanted to develop using the latest (PHP 5.4) on MacOSX and I didn’t want all the hassle of building Apache and PHP on my development machine each time…. I only found that MAMP PRO catered for PHP 5.4 much to my disappointment! However today, I decided to give […]

Coding Technology

Enable auto-completion for CodeIgniter development in NetBeans 7.2

I thought I’d share up this very useful script that I found today, I guess that as you’re viewing this page you want to enable the lovely code auto-completeion features that NetBeans supports and as by default you’ve found that NetBeans doesn’t support this for CodeIgnitor. So here’s the fix:- Download netbeans_autocomplete_codeigniter file (Contains mainly PHP […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing Apache, PHP and MySQL on FreeBSD 8.2

In this easy to follow tutorial I will show you how to install Apache, PHP and MySQL on FreeBSD, I have used FreeBSD 8.2 in this tutorial but should work for at least a couple of release’s later. I will be installing the software using FreeBSD ‘Ports’ you can also install software on FreeBSD using […]