Apps & OS's General Stuff Technology

I moved away from Apple products!

I’ve been using MacOS and various iPhones for the past ten years. Apple computers have been my daily driver for general web browsing and as my development machine of choice. As a developer that works on a lot of Linux/UNIX based projects having a “proper” terminal was the main deal breaker for while! I first […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing PHP7 on Windows Server 2012 R2 and IIS 8

At the time of writing PHP 7.0.6 is the latest stable release and given that we are going to be using Microsoft’s IIS as the web server on Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64) we will need to download the latest version of PHP 7.0.x ensuring that we download the NTS (Non-thread safe) version and the […]

Apps & OS's Technology

How to mount Windows Shared Folders on Linux

Well I thought I’d document how you can mount a SAMBA share on a Linux Server (in my case Ubuntu Server), I possibly have a project coming up soon where I may need to mount a Microsoft Windows based shared folder for additional storage/shared storage across multiple Linux/UNIX based web application servers. Firstly you must […]

General Stuff Technology

My new HP Mini 210 (netbook)

It makes a change (well in recent times anyway) for me to have a new toy to play with however yesterday I thought I’d purchase a netbook so I bought one of the coolest and smallest I have seen so far and from a good manufacturer so I purchased an HP Mini 210 and so […]

Apps & OS's

Restoring bad sectors using CHKDSK on Windows

The other day my hard drive was getting really bad, Usually I just rebuild the machine with an image stored on my NAS appliance however I thought I would actually repair the drive as it was ‘trashing’ alot! So I booted the PC and got check disk to repair the drive. – All is now working smoothly again.  I […]