Coding Linux Technology

How to create a PHP linux daemon (service)

There are many ways to automate scripts and applications running on Linux, you can obviously create a cron task, that can execute from between a minute to once a year if you wanted there are however other ways in which you can have unattended background tasks execute. Today I will explain how you can create a […]

Coding OSX Technology

How to install Git without having to install Xcode on MacOSX

Today I re-installed one of my Mac’s with the latest version of OSX (my laptop has been using Mavericks for a while so I thought I’d better upgrade my family iMac too!) Anyway, annoyingly, if you download Git for MacOSX from the official Git website ( and install it on your Mac,  you’ll notice that […]

Apps & OS's Coding Linux Technology

Setup your own private GitHub server using GitLab and Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS

I’m the first to admit that I absolutely love writing code and applications, I’m also a huge fan of GitHub, GitHub is a fantastic tool for hosting and collaborating on public projects such as open-source projects however and although you can pay to enable you to host private Git repositories on GitHub if you have […]

Coding Technology

How to view the size of MySQL database(s) via the MySQL CLI

I thought I’d quickly post up this quick MySQL snippet to help others who are trying to quickly view the size of a MySQL database from the MySQL CLI. The following query displays the size of all your current MySQL databases on your server in megabytes:- SELECT table_schema “Data Base Name”, sum( data_length + index_length […]

Coding Technology

How to delete a remote tag on GitHub

I use the awesome services from GitHub for hosting both my personal and private git repositories and although you’d probably never need to do this, its good to know how to do this if you ever needed too for such scenarios as if you have accidentally ‘tagged’ a release and need to quickly add a […]

Apps & OS's Coding

Installing Laravel complete with PHPUnit support (with Composer)

Laravel is an awesome PHP framework and comes with support for unit testing with PHPUnit out of the box! So… I thought I’d post up this quick guide as a reference to others and in my opinion is a rather neat way of keeping Composer and PHPUnit contained inside the project as opposed to installing […]

Apps & OS's Coding

Setting the correct timezone on a Ubuntu 12.04 Server

Ok, its no rocket science but I thought I’d quickly post up this very easy way to very quickly set your server’s time-zone without the need for editing files and looking up time-zone abbreviations manually etc.  if during installation you accidentally choose the wrong time-zone or (in like my case) your VPS provided has installed a default OS image with a different time-zone. You can […]

Apps & OS's Coding

Configuring NetBeans for PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding guidelines.

Update: I’ve recently (as of February 2015) created a ‘Netbeans Module’ that you can import into Netbeans to automatically set the correct settings (instead of having to manually following this guide, see: Recently I’ve been looking into the PHP-FIG PSR standards and in an attempt to standardise my coding styles to a widely used standard, the PSR standards look like […]

Coding Technology

Using Composer in your own PHP projects with your own Git packages/libraries

Composer is fast becoming the defacto standard for managing packages and dependencies in PHP applications. Composer is like Bundler, a dependency manager for Ruby on Rails! In this post I’ll be showing you how you can configure your own application to use Composer’s features and how  to automatically install and update your own packages from GitHub. In […]


Using git/composer on Windows 7 via. an authenticated proxy server.

Recently I had a requirement to connect to Git including using Composer via an authenticated HTTP proxy server, I thought I’d share my solution with you all. The machine I was using was a Windows 7 Professional machine (not my OS of choice!), connecting to a corporate proxy server using my ActiveDirectory credentials. After several hours […]