Coding Technology

How to re-enable JSP support in Dreamweaver and add the latest MySQL Connector/J.

Although I don’t really use Adobe Dreamweaver for web development (although if i’m doing interface design where I need a quick way to alter and view CSS changes fast I do) a friend of mine the other day (who uses Dreamweaver heavily) wanted to know how to re-enable the old JSP (Java Server Page) support […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

OK so thats ZPanelX Beta7 released!

So after two weeks of bug fixing by myself and Rustus and the guys from the ‘Support Team’, this evening I’ve released Beta7, this includes the very last major changes for ZPX (the bandwidth calculation, disk usage stats etc.) and also fixes an issue with the webmail client (Roundcube) So I’m pleased to say that […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

ZPanelX ‘internal’ beta going well so far!

Well we released ZPanelX internal beta to the rest of the team for a two week ‘testathon’ prior to opening it up to the community members who donated to our vBulletin drive 🙂 Although so far we’ve seen 15 bugs logged, pretty much all of which I’ve already squashed, I’ll be looking at releasing a […]

Coding General Stuff Technology

I’ve been a busy bee, ZPanelX development update!

Ok well I’ve not posted on here for a while, mainly due to the fact that life has been so hecktic and I’ve been getting myself far too involved in too many different things.. So thought I’d better update you all with some info etc. Well the last week I’ve managed to do a whole […]

Apps & OS's Coding General Stuff Technology

Github, ReadyNAS Duo and ZPanel DNS module

Well I haven’t blog’d for a month so thought I’d better update you all with what’s been going on recently… Well I decided to give GitHub a try out (I’ve had an account registered on the site and I reserved the ZPanel project name) but haven’t yet given it much of a try-out but as […]

Coding Technology

How to write your first PHP Class

Well I should really be asshamed of myself (not have posted a blog post since Novemeber last year!!!) but to be honest with you all I have been very busy with many different things and haven’t really had anytime over the last month or two to do very much coding at all 🙁 But anyway, […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

How to setup an SVN server on Ubuntu 10.04 Server

Hi all, Another feature that I needed for my project over at was an SVN server so that other members of my team can download the source code, make changes and upload it back to the master server. So this quick tutorial will show you the basics of how to setup an SVN server […]

Coding Technology

Future-proofing you PHP apps for migration of multiple databases….

Its highly likely that soon I will need to write a large database application for handlering customer contact and calls. Basically this enables you to write an aplication in PHP and then have the ability to later migrate the database from say MySQL to Oracle, Firebird, Postgres etc… (You get the idea) – This ultimately […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

MySQL GUI Client for Linux (Ubuntu)

I had a little hunt around online this evening for a graphical user interface for MySQL on my Linux workstation which is running Ubuntu 10.04 – In the past I’ve always just used the terminal and raw MySQL commands but to be honest this can be some what time consuming so I thought I’d share […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

Slow connections on remote MySQL Servers

Now a few of my projects are getting much bigger and the need for having dedicated Database servers are now more appealing than ever. With MySQL when setting it up I noticed that when trying to access a remote database from an application server, it would takes ages to respond/connect to it. After searching around […]