Well I haven’t blog’d for a month so thought I’d better update you all with what’s been going on recently… Well I decided to give GitHub a try out (I’ve had an account registered on the site and I reserved the ZPanel project name) but haven’t yet given it much of a try-out but as […]
I bit the bullet and bought an iMac!!
Well yesterday I made one of the biggest purchases I have to date (not far behind my house, car etc)!! I have many computers in my house and have owned many computers over time but nothing beats the awesomeness of Apple’s hardware design! – I forked out and bought an iMac (the most expensive computer […]
Well, I’ve transformed my Ubuntu 11.04 desktop to look like MacOSX (I think it looks sweet! ;)) Anyways… Here is how to remove the Docky Icon from Docky (so in my case it looks more like the normal MacOSX dock) Press ALT + F2 Type command “gconf-editor” and hit Enter Navigate to apps > docky-2 […]
Unlike many linux distributions FreeBSD by default disables ‘root’ login over SSH (at least it does with FreeBSD 8.2), If you do need to enable remote root logins over SSH this simple blog post will show you what you need to do; the more secure way of gaining remote admin access to your server would […]
In this easy to follow tutorial I will show you how to install Apache, PHP and MySQL on FreeBSD, I have used FreeBSD 8.2 in this tutorial but should work for at least a couple of release’s later. I will be installing the software using FreeBSD ‘Ports’ you can also install software on FreeBSD using […]
Well I thought I’d document how you can mount a SAMBA share on a Linux Server (in my case Ubuntu Server), I possibly have a project coming up soon where I may need to mount a Microsoft Windows based shared folder for additional storage/shared storage across multiple Linux/UNIX based web application servers. Firstly you must […]
Well I found what I thought was a really handy way of easily mounting an .iso image on your Linux machine. Check this out.. sudo mkdir -p /media/cdrom sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/name_of_iso_file.iso /media/cdrom You should now be able to access the .iso file data as if it was a physical CD-ROM 🙂 Hope someone […]
Ok well I have read many articles and a couple of times installed tools like Macbuntu which offer a complete transformation of Ubuntu GUI but I have never been happy with just how flaky these tools can be and how they can screw up your OS so I decided to make some simple graphical changes […]
I recently wanted to syncronise the contents of our backup VPS (for the ZPanel project) that we used to backup all of our servers and services that we use (MySQL databases, websites and SVN data) from multiple servers to a server sitting at my house – just for double protection as our backup VPS is […]
After another week of DDoS attacks from one of our spoilt forum users I have taken the decision to move the main website over to be hosted by Sourceforge. The project has now been released under the GPL license and we have been working hard over the last two weeks to port the code over […]