Apps & OS's Technology

Setting up internal DNS on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS

In the past I’ve never really bothered with internal DNS at home, I simply add host records to my servers/laptops and workstations as and when I need too by updating the hosts file but now that I have just finished my new loft conversion and have moved my entire office up there, I’ve dedicated some […]


DLNA Server (miniDLNA/ReadyDLNA) on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS

In a previous post on my blog I posted about setting up a home server with the ability to stream music, video and pictures to devices connected to the same network. I previously used MediaTomb, of which to be honest was rather complex to set-up and manage and now due to the fact that I […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing a high availability web server cluster on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using HAProxy, HeartBeat and Nginx

Here are a few notes about how to set-up a high-availability web server farm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using a whole load of awesome software (HAProxy, HeartBeat, Watchdog and Nginx) The setup In my setup I have five virtual machines, these are named and used for the following:- haproxy1 – Our first proxy (master)/load-balancer (running HAProxy, HeartBeat […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Setting up a TimeMachine backup server on Ubuntu 12.04 Server

Recently I purchased a new home server of which I am using to backup both my iMac and MacBook Pro, I thought I’d quickly document how I achieved this for future reference and also to help others too! – Both my Apple Mac computers are running Apple MacOSX 10.7 (Lion).. Firstly we need to install […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing a Git Server using Apache (WebDAV) on Ubuntu Server 12.04

This tutorial is mainly for Ubuntu Server 12.04, meaning I’ve implemented and tested it fully on a Ubuntu 12.04 server this will more than likely work on other versions of Ubuntu/Debian based distro’s too though! So, whats this tutorial all about then… well this allows you to run your own (private) Git Server using WebDAV […]

Apps & OS's

How to remove the Docky icon from Docky (Ubuntu 11.04)

Well, I’ve transformed my Ubuntu 11.04 desktop to look like MacOSX (I think it looks sweet! ;)) Anyways… Here is how to remove the Docky Icon from Docky (so in my case it looks more like the normal MacOSX dock) Press ALT + F2 Type command “gconf-editor” and hit Enter Navigate to apps > docky-2 […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Make your Ubuntu 11.04 machine look like MacOSX…

Ok well I have read many articles and a couple of times installed tools like Macbuntu which offer a complete transformation of Ubuntu GUI but I have never been happy with just how flaky these tools can be and how they can screw up your OS so I decided to make some simple graphical changes […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Settings up a simple home file server on Ubuntu Server 10.04

As you can proberbly tell from my other blog posts I really do like Ubuntu although I also admire CentOS/Redhat but for sheer simplicity and non-bloat installation I do like this awesome distrubution. Ok so nowadays more and more people have more than one PC or network device at home and therefore it would be […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Creating a local/network accessible Ubuntu package repository

A recently I have been playing around with Ubuntu Server 10.04 and various little projects etc. I thought I’d write a tutorial on how you can create a network accessable or local Ubuntu package repository. For this tutorial I am using Ubuntu 10.04 Server release on an old Compaq Proliant DL320. The sole purpose of […]

Apps & OS's Technology

How to setup MySQL Replication with SSL on Ubuntu Server 10.04

This tutorial describes how to set up database replication in MySQL using an SSL connection for encryption (to make it impossible for hackers to sniff out passwords and data transferred between the master and slave). MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), […]