Apps & OS's Technology

How to setup MySQL Replication with SSL on Ubuntu Server 10.04

This tutorial describes how to set up database replication in MySQL using an SSL connection for encryption (to make it impossible for hackers to sniff out passwords and data transferred between the master and slave). MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Installing VMWare Server 2 on Ubuntu 10.04 Server

Ok well today I’m going to outline how I managed to install VMWare Server 2 on my Quad core Xeon 3.2GHz rack server running Ubuntu Server 10.04 as the host operating system… In the past I have used VMWare Server on Microsof t Windows based operating systems but in all truth I would much prefer […]

General Stuff Technology

How awesome… Make your own Cray-1A miniture replica!

I read on howtogeek a couple of days ago that someone (Chris Fenton) had created a replica of the 1970’s Cray 1A and in my honest opinion I think that is very awesome indeed! For those of you that don’t know what a Cray 1A (One of the best known SuperComputers) is, well quite bluntly…. […]

Apps & OS's Technology

Removing Ubuntu software packages and no longer needed dependencies

On my Ubuntu Servers I use the apt-get command to install and remove packages from my Ubuntu servers. So for example, this weekend I installed and started playing with Cacti (A front end for SNMP) however after installing it I found I had several issues with the software and wanted to revert the operating system […]

General Stuff Technology

My new HP Mini 210 (netbook)

It makes a change (well in recent times anyway) for me to have a new toy to play with however yesterday I thought I’d purchase a netbook so I bought one of the coolest and smallest I have seen so far and from a good manufacturer so I purchased an HP Mini 210 and so […]

Coding Technology

Future-proofing you PHP apps for migration of multiple databases….

Its highly likely that soon I will need to write a large database application for handlering customer contact and calls. Basically this enables you to write an aplication in PHP and then have the ability to later migrate the database from say MySQL to Oracle, Firebird, Postgres etc… (You get the idea) – This ultimately […]

Apps & OS's Technology

SQLite, you’ve heard of it…

Ok I’ve been mentally blue-printing a new application in my head to do various tasks but thats not important, however I want this scalable application to be able to allow the end user to be able to connect to different ‘selectable’ databases such as a training database, UAT and production. Instead of having a seperate […]

Apps & OS's Coding Technology

MySQL GUI Client for Linux (Ubuntu)

I had a little hunt around online this evening for a graphical user interface for MySQL on my Linux workstation which is running Ubuntu 10.04 – In the past I’ve always just used the terminal and raw MySQL commands but to be honest this can be some what time consuming so I thought I’d share […]


Changing the linux Application menu icon in Ubuntu

Ok so I’ve managed to find an article on the net about how to change the default applications menu in Ubuntu, this will enable you to change it to whatever you like (instead of the default distrubution icon) It’s dead easy, but everyone else tries to make it sound so complicated. So here’s the dead […]

Apps & OS's

Making Ubuntu 10.04 look like a Mac (using Elementary & Docky)

This blog entry shows how you can easily change the appearance of your Ubuntu 10.04 desktop so that it looks and feels like an Apple Mac. This is done using freely available software and only take you about 10-15 minutes. I will be installing Elementary and Docky to make this happen! Elementary is a project […]