Apps & OS's General Stuff Technology

I moved away from Apple products!

I’ve been using MacOS and various iPhones for the past ten years. Apple computers have been my daily driver for general web browsing and as my development machine of choice. As a developer that works on a lot of Linux/UNIX based projects having a “proper” terminal was the main deal breaker for while! I first […]

General Stuff Other

Creating your own desktop power supply using a standard PC ATX PSU

In this post, I will show you how to convert a computer power supply into a regular DC power supply with 12, 5 and 3.3 volt outputs. Why use a computer (ATX) power supply? Well, they’re available everywhere, and they can output tremendous amounts of power in a small form factor. They have overload protection […]

General Stuff Technology

Got myself an iPhone 4S – The MacBook Pro is next!

Just a ramble really… I’ve not posted much recently so…. This weekend I took out my first ever mobile phone contract, fancy mobile phones don’t really interest me all that much and up until now I’ve not cared for a ‘contract’ phone. – I’ve been happy with my hand-me-down phones that I’ve been given by […]

Coding General Stuff Technology

I’ve been a busy bee, ZPanelX development update!

Ok well I’ve not posted on here for a while, mainly due to the fact that life has been so hecktic and I’ve been getting myself far too involved in too many different things.. So thought I’d better update you all with some info etc. Well the last week I’ve managed to do a whole […]

Apps & OS's Coding General Stuff Technology

Github, ReadyNAS Duo and ZPanel DNS module

Well I haven’t blog’d for a month so thought I’d better update you all with what’s been going on recently… Well I decided to give GitHub a try out (I’ve had an account registered on the site and I reserved the ZPanel project name) but haven’t yet given it much of a try-out but as […]

General Stuff Technology

How awesome… Make your own Cray-1A miniture replica!

I read on howtogeek a couple of days ago that someone (Chris Fenton) had created a replica of the 1970’s Cray 1A and in my honest opinion I think that is very awesome indeed! For those of you that don’t know what a Cray 1A (One of the best known SuperComputers) is, well quite bluntly…. […]

General Stuff Technology

My new HP Mini 210 (netbook)

It makes a change (well in recent times anyway) for me to have a new toy to play with however yesterday I thought I’d purchase a netbook so I bought one of the coolest and smallest I have seen so far and from a good manufacturer so I purchased an HP Mini 210 and so […]

General Stuff Technology

Blogging with email!

Well this is my first official blog post on my new personal blog, I thought’d I’d write about this awesome new feature with WordPress 3….. I’m even blogging using this method now! Ok so what the hell am I talking about…. Well good queston I hear you say; Since I have now launched my personal […]